Monday, December 5, 2011

What are you wearing today?.....The weight of the WORLD?..

What are you wearing today?
Worry, Anger, Alone, Helpless feeling?
Financial struggle?
yourself be
by others.
FEAR is only an early
 what you need to
 pay attention to.

Happy Spring Equinox


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where's your consciousness?

Is your consciousness in  the
*Past ?


Tee-Shirts   $10   Small thru XXL
email me with your order request & phone #

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Aroma REFLEXOLOGY to make your FEET & Body HAPPY!!!!!!

SPECIAL PRICING $$$$65   reg.$85
60 minute session
What is Aroma Energetics Reflexology?
Foot Reflexology is a focused pressure technique.
There are zones and reflex points
that relate to all of the relative
organs, parts of the body, glands & the 7 major Chakras systems
of the the body.

Aromatherapy oils are used to relax your senses.
Lavendar, Lotus flower & Lemon. Just relax it is your time for yourself..
Reflexology is not just a foot massage!
It is used today to address real health problems.
It is used holistically
with patient's ailments or disorder.

Such as
Anxiety, Hypertension, PMS, Headaches,
Pain & Stress.
Less STRESS equals relaxation.
During the treatment only your
socks &  shoes are removed.
Warm moist towels will be wrapped around yur feet.
There is soft music playing.
This will induce a peacefulness while your therapy
is being received.
You will seat in a specially designed chair
 where your back, neck &
 feet are slightly elevated.
All you need to do is just relax for a full hour
of rejuvenation for your body, mind & Spirit
call for an appt. 630-717-9889
200 N. Washington St. #100A
Naperville, Il. 60540

Friday, April 8, 2011

What a wonderful way to spend 60 minutes of your life......Massage & Reflexology Therapy

VERY SPECIAL OFFER for only $55...thru 5/31/2012
 FULL 60 minute MASSAGE
60 minutes of caring therapy
 relaxing treatment
for only $55
What a wonderful Gift of LOVE.
To yourself or someone you love
 or really care about.
Hot Rocks and aroma therapy
to sooth your mind and relax your body.

Tired Feet from all the walking & standing you do?

Experience a
CHAKRA  Reflexology treatment
that your FEET will not forget about.
40 minutes
 of pure relaxation  $45

call to schedule an appt. or buy a gift certificate
Naperville,IL. 630-717-9889
offer expires MAY 31, 2012
Visit website click Gift Certificate

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Iliotibal Band Friction Syndrome

liotibial Band Friction Syndrome

is recognized as one of the most common lower-extremity injuries in athletes,
especially in long-distance runners and cyclists.
Casually referred to as runner's knee, this is an inflammatory condition.
Also known simply as iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, physiologists
debate the actual pathology involved.
While some understand this overuse injury to be associated with
excessive friction between the ITB tract and the lateral femoral epicondyle,
others suspect that ITB syndrome is a consequence
of impaired hip musculature. Whether or not tightened hip muscles
or localized friction are behind ITB syndrome/ There are several
bodywork techniques that can help resolve this problem.

About ITB Syndrome:
ITB syndrome is often observed in those who exercise vigorously.
Upon knee flexion, the ITB moves posteriorly along the lateral femoral epicondyle.
When excessively tight or stressed, the ITB rubs more vigorously
 within its groove to generate inflammation.
In runners, friction occurs near or just after foot strike during the
contact phase of the gait cycle. Downhill running reduces
the knee flexion angle and can aggravate ITB syndrome,
while sprinting and fast running increase the knee flexion angle
and are less likely to cause pain.

While the most prevalent symptom of ITB syndrome
is lateral knee pain, other signs may include:
· Hip pain.
· Discomfort, which may radiate from the knee proximally or distally.
· Pain during strenuous activity; however, a case that has progressed
  may cause pain with walking.
· A tender point near the lateral femoral epicondyle.

· Pain elicited with active flexion-extension of the knee within the
  first 30 degrees, while the thumb presses over the epicondyle and ITB.

ITB Syndrome Causes:
Even though there is little scientific support of ITB syndrome's etiology,
experts agree that it has many possible causes. In addition to an
athletic injury from a change in surface, speed, distance & shoes,
the following are likely to contribute to ITB syndrome:
· Limb length discrepancy
· Bow-leggedness (Genu varum)
· Over-pronation
· Hip adductor weakness
· Myofascial restriction

The basic principles of treating ITB syndrome are similar
to any soft tissue injury. The following strategies help a majority
of athletes with ITB syndrome return to their sport:
· Inflammation control with ice and anti-inflammatory medication
· Activity modification by avoiding aggravating motions
· Underlying problem correction by assessing and fixing biomechanical flaws

Additionally, bodywork has helped athletes of all abilities
with ITB syndrome get back in their game faster.
For informational purpose only.  Always consult your doctor.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

This little Piggy went to..One big problem.. Morton's Toe

Does this picture look familiar?
With Morton's Toe it appears
that the second toe is longer,
actually it is the Big Toe that
is shorter.
Morton's Toe is a genetic
condition &; not to be confused
with Morton's  Neuroma.

Morton'sNeuroma is a painful condition of entrapped nerves found in the foot.
Wearing shoes that are too tight or too narrow
is thought to be the cause of this condition.
Sometimes placing padding between the toes helps.

There are related trigger points in the
hips,legs & the foot areas.  Such as the Gluteus muscle,Quadriceps, Tibialis Posterior,Flexor Hallucis Brevis.
Massage Therapy is very beneficial for the TRIGGER Points.
This is for information only. As always consult with your DOCTOR.
For an appointment call our Wellness Center in Naperville, Il. 630-717-9889

Monday, January 10, 2011

Vintage Jewelry

Turquoise baked enamel pin
1980era 3"dia.
Gold Brooch with dark blue stones
 1990era 2"dia. $12
Butterfly pin delicate laced etching
 3" dia at top $17

  ClipEarrings lightweight
2"dia. $22
Opal and Quartz crystal clip earrings
1985 $25 

Please contact me and let me know what you want to purchase
either email me or call   630-717-9889 office