Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fibromyalgia.. muscles and ligaments...

Fibromyalgia is an illness that affects about 4 million Americans,

mostly women in their 30's to late 50's. There is extreme muscle pain and stiffness experienced. There are specific tender points of pain associated with this condition. Usually the neck, shoulders, back, hips and knees. With this ailment you may also have fatigue, sleep problems, depression and an inability to think clearly. This due to that fact that the lack of sleep causes these symptoms to magnify. Without the deep stage of sleep your body does not refresh itself and muscle restoration from the body's daily activities are not accomplished. People with Fibromyalgia never reaches this deep stage of sleep . So the muscles never heal or recover from the daily stress placed on them whether it is mental or physical. Massage Therapy helps with Fibromyalgia.

Always consult with your doctor. This is for informational purpose only.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Pain in the Butt or the Leg could it be.... Sciatica?

This is for general information. Always consult with your doctor.
The Sciatica Nerve is the longest nerve in the body. There are five (5) nerve roots that leave the the low back area.
It then runs down the leg, into knee, calf, ankle, foot and all the way to your toes.
Sciatica is caused when the nerves becomes restricted sometimes by the tight muscles around it.
Usually the gluteus muscles ( your buttocks). It does not just appear, but over time this area becomes extremely tight. Just everyday wear and tear does cause it to build up over time.

During pregnancy, later the uterus will press on the nerve and again tight muscular tension arises in the hips. Even sitting on a wallet for extended period of time presses on the nerve. With fashion trends of lower hanging pants, the pockets hanging low as well. Tradesmen wearing their tool belts hanging around the hips.
In the area there may be active trigger points that arise as well, but not necessarily due to the Sciatica nerve being compressed. Exercising can cause the deep pain as well in the Buttock area.

The muscles mostly associated with the trigger points and Sciatica are the quadratus lumborum, the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and the deep hip rotators. Deep Tissue work to the hip rotator muscles is very beneficial in relieving the the pain and discomfort.

Listed are some general stretching exercises.
Again always consult with you doctor.
To relieve the Sciatica pain contact me at:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Heel Pain? Could it be Plantar Fasciitis?

Are you suffering from heel pain? It could very well be Plantar Fasciitis. This is one of the most common reasons for the pain you are experiencing.

The Plantar Fascia is a strong ligament on the bottom of the foot. It supports the arch of the foot.
It is wide at the toes and narrows at the heel; that is why a tight Plantar Fascia causes pain in the heel.

This ligament is very strong on the heel and after awhile can cause a heel spur, but not always. The pain is caused by the bursa sacs swelling (fluid filled sacs). This sac fills up when a person is off their feet. For example, after you have slept, upon rising and putting pressure on your foot you more than likely will experience this excruciating pain during the first few steps. It usually eases up after a few minutes. Sometimes the fluid will build up slowly because of you standing on your feet all day and the pain comes back. You can have it also in both feet at the same time.

There are multiple reasons why it develops. Some of these are sudden increase in activity, wearing shoes/sneakers that lack sufficient arch support, weight gain, pregnancy, flat feet and high arched feet.

There are high impact sports that involve the lower extremities that can cause Plantar Fasciitis. Some of these sports are track and field runners, tennis, football, baseball, soccer players often have this condition. Always consult your physician for proper treatment and diagnosis.

Some stretching and strengthening exercises will help. You may use a water bottle, tennis ball or a rolling pin. Stretching should create a pulling feeling but not cause pain.
Do this 2-3 times a day when possible.

Your can massage the bottom of your foot/feet before getting out of bed.
Stretch your foot by flexing it up and down 10 times before standing. You can also use a towel to stretch the foot as well. Remember to wear shoes when you get out of bed, even to go to the bathroom. Wear comfortable shoes/slippers with good arch support. There other stretching exercises to do.

There are other areas where triggers points appear.
Massage Therapy will greatly benefit knee discomfort.
All of the previous is for information only. Remember to always Consult with your doctor for further information.

For an Appt. contact:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A reason for Shoulder Pain : A Rotator Cuff Muscle called the Subscapularis

Trigger Point Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage for shoulder pain.
visit my website at:

The Subscapularis Muscle is a cause for posterior (front) shoulder pain and a lack of motion/movement in the shoulder. It is one of the 4 muscles involved in the rotator cuff muscle group.

There are many contributing factors that are responsible for causing the shoulder pain. Repetitive movements are a big factor for restricted motion in the shoulder. Activities like playing tennis, swimming (the overhead stroke), pitching a baseball, lifting objects over your head and even the continued use of the computer mouse.

You may notice that even simply brushing, combing
or blow drying your hair you may at times have a
feeling of tiredness in your shoulder
and you may have to rest your arm.
Trigger Point(s) may be present in the subscapularis muscle which may cause a referral of pain down the arm in to the wrist area. One cause is the overuse/continued movement of the computer mouse function.
When a muscle is being used or overused a lot of the time a trigger point may develop. You may feel a deep jabbing like aching pain in a particular point in the muscle and when pressure is applied it may at times refer a pain to another area or just be a local trigger point. If there is a referral pain line it will all need to be address. A trigger point is active when it is causing pain.
There are different Therapeutic Massage Therapy approaches to treating and relieving the pain associated with the subscapularis muscle discomfort you are experiencing......

For an Appt./ more information visit: